Born in Northern Alabama – home of the Colliers. Spent my formative years in Charleston, SC.
Business school for undergrad, focused on finance & international biz. Shattered my pelvis in a car wreck midway through – fought my way back and fully recovered.
Spent a year abroad in the South of France. Fell in love with that part of the world.
Law school in DC. Side Hustles: clerking for a couple judges and working for a lobbyist. Learned a ton and got to peak behind the curtains of power.
Got connected with a top-tier entertainment attorney in NYC and ended up working on Michael Jackson’s legal team for a stretch. Got a top-down global view of the entertainment business and the nuances of IP financing.
Graduated law school. Passed the NY bar. Moved to NYC.
Went in-house at a few software development companies and learned about technology, IP, operations. Kicked ass and completed a few company turnarounds.
Put up my own shingle as an attorney and started taking on small-medium business legal clients. My legal practice has been a steady presence in my life ever since.
Started spending a lot of time in Europe. Wrote and recorded a couple of music albums and released them through an indie label. Did some light touring and radio/TV.
Found my way onto an M&A deal team in Europe and moved there full time. Ran around that part of the world for several years raising money and organizing infrastructure development projects. Learned the game of high-level finance and M&A front-to-back.
Founded a beverage company with a couple buddies from the Carolinas and learned the product game. Became CEO and CFO. Launched a splash regional hit product that sold millions of units and reached over 12 states in distribution at its peak. Launched a second product line that made it into Walmart, Whole Foods, Target, and other regional grocery retailers. Sold a piece of the company to the third largest alcoholic beverage company in North America and opened up markets across the USA.
Moved back to the States after spending most of my 30s in Europe. Decamped to South Florida for a while. Partnered with a lawyer colleague from the Michael Jackson days and started building up a ninja corporate legal team. Recently spun off my practice group and formed Collier Wilson Law.
Recently moved to Austin, Texas. Now focusing on managing the legal practice, building software and telling my story.
– Samuel Collier Wilson, Esq.