Building a business is like climbing a mountain. The journey of life, the same.

Your trail winds around, up and down over ridge lines, through the valleys. 

There are overlooks where you stop and view where you came from, and where you’re going.

There are markers along the way, helping keep you on track. 

You come to forks in the trail, forcing you to choose your next direction.

There’s also crappy weather sometimes, even when you don’t have the right gear. Your boots get soggy, and you feel cold and wet.

And sometimes there are perfectly clear nights where you camp under the stars and, even without amenities, find yourself grateful for the journey. 

But the most important part of the climb, by far, is who you take with you.

There are co-hikers and fellow travelers, but those come and go. You hike together for certain stretches of trail, and then they split off on a different path. 

You are the only one who walks your own unique trail from start to finish.

But you are not alone. Or, at least, you don’t have to be. For a really successful climb, every hiker needs a trail team.

Your Trail Team is your brain trust. Your council of personal guides. On the trail, they’re with you all the time in spirit – always just a satellite phone call away. Some days, they meet you on the trail for those tough soggy weather slogs and hike alongside to keep you motivated. And when you reach a new milestone, they’re there to celebrate your progress.

Your trail team keeps you safe, and sane, along the journey.

So who is this trail team? 


First, you need scientists.

Your scientists do your measuring for you. How long you have to go to reach the summit. How far you’ve come. What new gear you need, and what old gear you can get rid of. 

They keep you lean and stealth. They keep your heart rate monitor finely-tuned.

Your scientists are your three-headed monster: bookkeeper, CFO and CPA.

These days, there are a lot of ‘fractional’ scientists, who helicopter in but aren’t full-time. And that’s perfectly fine, as long as they’re there when you need them.


Second, you need a guard. 

Your guard holds your funds and makes sure they’re kept safe. He knows the lending landscape in case you need to borrow, and works with your scientists to make sure you’re healthy enough to do so.

Your guard is your banker. Your banker provides security. 

Some guards also serve the function of wealth manager, giving you advice on how to invest your excess funds. 

The more complicated your journey becomes, the more support you will need from your guard.


Third, you need a scout. 

Your scout provides your eyes and ears on the trail. They hike with you the whole way. 

Your scout is your chief of staff. 

And while they have other responsibilities to keep you on track, every once in a while you send them off trail to survey the landscape and bring back information. 

It’s important for your scout to have access to the rest of your trail team in case of emergencies.


And finally, every mountain climb needs a sherpa. 

They’re always there in the background, watching your progress. You share your GPS location with your sherpa so they can always see where you are, even from afar.

Your sherpa is your lawyer. 

Your sherpa helps you decide which forks in the road to take, and which to avoid. They help you make clear decisions on those cold crappy weather days when you’re feeling emotional. 

And they help you choose your next mountain once you’ve summited the last.